How to help


Ask questions
Encourage them to get help
  -Offer to go with them
  -Drive them there
  -Help them research
  -Find places in your area that can help
Express concern and sympathy
Learn the facts about what they are going through
Take all threats, thoughts and actions seriously
Check in with them frequently, see how they are doing
Find time to be with them: watch movies, have lunch, go for a walk...


Leave someone suicidal alone
Blow off a person's worries
Play therapist; you are not trained to handle serious situations, you are a friend
Patronize the person
Label them: crazy, emo, attention-seeking, immature...
Keep important issues like self-harm, depression or suicidal thoughts a secret, they need help
Assume the problem will go away; many who die by suicide had previously attempted two or more times
Feel guilty, it is not your fault
Ignore your own feelings about the situation

Things you can do with a friend

Go for a walk
Have coffee
Take pictures
Chat online
Phone them
Study together
Dance to music
Dance to no music
Watch a movie
Finger paint
Build something
Have a sleepover
Go out on the town for a night
Stay in for a night
Paint your nails
Go to the gym
Go shopping
Try to find an interesting book in a library
Play instruments
Find a new hobby
Make a music video
Tell stories
Learn something new about each other

*For more information on how to help a friend, visit  What a Difference a Friend Makes.